ballet is exciting to do and to watch

Ballet Buns


  • hair brush with nylon or natural bristles (close bristles)
  • large, covered hair elastic
  • nylon hair net (matching hair colour-available at ballet shops/chemists; thick hair pins (NOT bobby pins).
  • Hair pins (U shape) are thicker and will grip more hair
  • bobby pins will slide out of your bun. Bobby pins can be used to secure hair net and any loose pieces of hair that do not fit into the ponytail (for shorter hair)
  • hair spray and hair gel.


  • Brush hair smooth and free of tangles.
  • Pull hair back neatly into a ponytail at the back of the head or higher, using a brush to avoid “lumps and bumps”. A tidy pony tail with hair drawn snugly back is the key to making a good ballet bun. Placement of your ponytail determines placement of your bun. Ballet buns should be at the middle of the head or higher.
  • Secure ponytail tightly with hair elastic.
  • Use hair spray to eliminate any “wisps” around the head, smoothing any remaining bumps of hair on the head.
  • Twist the ponytail as you gradually wrap it around the hair elastic, creating a tight, coiled circle, inserting hair pins as you wrap. Be sure that your hair pins contain hair from both the head and the ponytail. This will hold your bun close to your head. Be sure to use plenty of hair pins (12-16 on average).
  • The idea is to have your bun tightly coiled around your elastic and secured to your head.
  • Once you have created your bun, wrap your hair net around it as many times as it will allow for a snug fit.
  • Hold the hair net in place with a few extra bobby pins, and hair spray or gel any wisps that are remaining.


  • Short hair must be secured with a headband.
  • No hair may be hanging in the face.
  • Please use bobby pins to secure any dangling strands of hair.

Shoes and Ribbons


All ballet shoes should be carried in a separate calico bag and hung to air when not in use. This will markedly prolong the life of the shoes. Pointe shoes will soften much quicker if not aired.

A drawstring runs around the upper edge of the shoe and tightens this edge so that it lies close to the foot with no gaping. The drawstring should be tied in a double knot with the ends tucked inside the shoe. This goes for boys shoes as well as girls shoes.

Sewing ribbons or elastics onto your shoes

Ballet Buns & Shoes -

Your need four ribbons, about 2.5cm wide and 50cm long. Fold the heel so that it lies flat along the sole.

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Position the ribbons on the insides of the shoe, just in front of the folds on either side, as shown in the picture above.

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Sew the ribbon to the inside canvas rather than through to the outer fabric. Avoid the drawstring on the edge of the shoe.

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For elastics, you need a piece for each shoe about 1cm wide and 12cm long. Position them by the folds, as for the ribbons.

Tying your ribbons

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Put your foot flat on the floor. Take the inside ribbon and pass it over your foot and around the back of your ankle to the front.

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Pass this ribbon around the back of your ankle again, and bring it to the inside. Take hold of the outer ribbon.

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Pass the outer ribbon over your foot and around the back of your ankle.Bring it over your foot and to the inside of your ankle.

Ballet Buns & Shoes -

Knot the ribbons firmly just above the inside of the ankle in a double knot. Then tuck the loose ends in neatly.

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