Who would have thought we would even be looking at a show this year! – but we are super excited to be able to finish with our annual performance which is pretty much the highlight of the students’ dancing year! Especially given the year we have had again!
Our Newcastle Dance Academy concert is a massive showcase that all students get to perform in. It is their chance to shine on stage, to perform for their family and friends and show off their improvement over the year. The Newcastle Dance Academy concert provides a truly memorable and magical stage experience that celebrates the dedication, talent, and achievements of every single student. We hope you will join us with your family and friends to celebrate the children and the year that has been.
We are grateful to be able to provide this performance opportunity for our students after another tumultuous year and to finish on a high. Please let us know now if your child will not be performing.
Our show will be at the beautiful Civic Theatre. Previously we had sent out dates for the dairy and the theatre rehearsal was in November, but they have been able to give us the 1st of December which operationally and risk management wise will make things a lot easier for all parties.
The Civic Theatre Newcastle is committed to providing a safe environment for their staff, clients, and patrons, as such they are following the NSW Government roadmap as a minimum guideline, and in some cases are implementing additional controls to those listed. We will know more in due course but what they have told us is in the case of the show not be able to go ahead we can:
Reschedule to another date in the new year…
Cancel. If we cancel, the ticket money will be refunded less the Civic Theatre fee. (Sorry I don’t know what that would be)
Fingers crossed we will not have to do either, it is our 3rd time this year trying to stage a show surely good luck will be on our side this time!
New dates for your dairies:
- Dress Rehearsal – Sunday 28th November at the Studio
- Theatre Rehearsal – Wednesday 1st December at the Civic Theatre (times to be advised)
- Concert – Friday 3rd December at the Civic Theatre – 6.30pm
- Preschool Concert rehearsal – Sunday 4th December at the studio
- Preschool Concert – Sunday 5th December 10.00am – Callaghan College Jesmond Senior Campus Theatre.
Every dancer needs an audience.
The audience is such an important part of the concert experience. For a young dancer, nothing is more thrilling than hearing an enthusiastic crowd applauding, feeling proud of their accomplishments knowing that their family and friends have come to watch, cheer, and show their support. Our aim is to create beautiful works, outstanding entertainment, and a spectacular production!
Ticket sales are through the Civic Theatre and once we have finalised this with them, we will send out a message to say when they will be on sale.
Ticket Prices – Adult $50.00
Pension/Children under 16 – $35.00
Pension cards will need to be sited at the door. Please do not try to get in on an incorrect ticket.
Every performer in any of our end of year concert will need a Concert Performer Pack.
This includes:
- Participation in the Concert
- Limited-edition 2021 Newcastle Dance Academy T-Shirt (to wear on rehearsal and concert day)
- A medal to celebrate their year at NDA
- Concert DVD or USB
The cost is $140 per performer. Families with multiple performers pay $140 for their eldest, and $85 for each child thereafter. This payment can be paid in-person at reception, or online with name and description PP. Due date Saturday 13th November.
T-shirt size will be organised this week, WEEK 5 for the students. We will organise everyone’s sizes by 6th of November so our manufacturer can make them in time for concert.
Please Note: – The additional costs will be for theatre rehearsal and costumes.
Please click the link to complete the Concert 2021 participation-
Snow White – we will be hiring all the costumes for the ballet.
Miss Bella is looking to reuse tap costumes from previous years for the Tap this year.
We will also try our best to reuse jazz and contemporary costumes for this year.
We will use the Showcase new costumes for their group numbers (I will get back to you on what goes in main show and bub’s show).
Thank you.